Welcome to Boobs and Oreos

This is a blog about the insanely average lives of Taylor Smith and Cody Kaufman.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Worst gift card alive.

All I usually ask for for Christmas/my birthday is one thing. A gift card to Best Buy. Simple simple request. One of my sisters though decided to be a jackass and get me this "gift card". 
   Yea its different, yea its kinda cool. But actually using it is a whole 'nother story. I went to BB today to get me a CD. Stevie Stone Rollin Stone to be exact. Anyway I'm kind of short on cash so I found this in my car and decided to use it. The problem though was that my cashier was kind of a babe. So I hand her my CD and set this puppy down. Heres how the convo went...

Cashier: Ha cool toy.
Me: Thanks but its actually a gift card.
Cashier: Oooh I've never seen this, I thought you were just showing me your toy.
Me: Ha nope I'm just trying to get rid of it.
Cashier: Yea thats kind of embarrassing. You have $3 left on it.
Me: Dammit.

Yup, that happened. Awkward and embarrassing moments is my forté.


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